More Sight, More Freedom, More Answers, More Mobility. Let's come together this giving Tuesday for all children living with ADOA.

Giving Tuesday is always a reminder that we will continue to advocate for our cause; a cause that is meant to mean MORE.
More Sight, More Freedom, More Answers, More Mobility -- for all children living with ADOA.
Donations for our foundation continue to fund the critical research that has thankfully been started to find a cure.
Your donations fund the doctors and researchers, but even more importantly, your donations fund our fight to find answers for:
The child that struggles to learn to read and write due to low vision.
The child that needs support to walk without falling, but never stops trying to do it on their own.
The child that learns to recognize their family through shapes and outlines because they can not always see their faces.
The child that sits patiently through doctor offices and hospitals, hoping and praying for answers.
And for all of these children that continue to show us what true strength means. These are the ones we are lucky enough to witness and be inspired by in our lifetime. They are the ones that never give up and learn to adapt to some of life's hardest circumstances. And although they may not realize it, they handle it better than most of us ever could.
This Giving Tuesday, let's come together for all children living with ADOA to provide hope that as a community, we will continue to be by their side through their journey of health and independence!
From our hearts to yours, thank you for supporting the ADOA Association.
To make a monthly recurring or one-time donation visit: